Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Heart of Gratitude

As I mentioned yesterday, the first month of ideas is coming from THIS post at Time Warp Wife.  The button to the home page is in a little button over there on the right.  Go visit.  You owe it to yourself and your marriage.

The accompanying Bible verse is from Psalm 31:1 (KJV)

"I will bless the Lord at all times:  His praise is shall continually be in my mouth."

Dear Heavenly Father-

No one but You could have brought my husband, Chris, and me together.  We "met" online in a role-playing game back in the days when the Internet was green or amber letters on a black screen.  My first marriage, one that I willfully chose due to worries about getting older, had broken up, and an old girlfriend of his had informed him, after the fact, that she had aborted a child of which he had been the father.  We were both learning to trust again, and I give You the glory for giving us to each other.

I thank Thee for blessing us with three children.  Our oldest, a 16 year old boy; the middle child, a 14 year old boy; and the youngest, a girl who will be 10 (in 9 days, as she informed me this morning).

Thou knowest better than anyone the struggles my dear Chris has with belief and organized religion.  I pray that he will develop a heart of gratitude, even though he may not (in the beginning) attribute it to Thee.  I know he is a good man.  A gift from God could be no other way.

In Proberbs 9:10, we find that, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:  and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."

Help me to be the help meet Chris needs in order to come to know Thee more fully, so that he may come to know the happiness Thou desirest for all Thy children.

In the name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.

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